On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 11:20:37 -0400 (EDT), Wietse Venema
<wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
> Stefan Seidel:
>> This forwarding to external addresses however, makes my Postfix create
>> backscatter. Example:
>> hijac...@yahoo.example.com sends email to u...@mysystem.com ->
>> virtual_alias_maps says: deliver it to interestedpa...@gmx.example.com
>> However, the mail server at gmx.example.com may sometimes reject the
>> message for any reason, which causes my Postfix to generate a bounce
>> message to hijac...@yahoo.example.com - which is obviously not
>> something anyone would want.
> There are two options that I am aware of.
> 2) Don't forward SPAM.
Well, if there's a zero-false-positive and 100% accurate spam filtering
solution out there, please let me know.

> Other options involve loss of legitimate mail by dropping non-delivery
> notifications for forwarded mail, which I cannot recommend.
Ok, understood. Now how do I do that ;) Really, I don't care about NDNs
for _forwarded_ mail, esp. since most of the mail traffic on this address
is from mailing lists. Additionally, the mail is also stored to a local
mailbox. I know, that means that users could fetch them via
POP3/IMAP/Webmail, but as it is, they prefer getting it forwarded.


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