Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,

I would like to setup a SMTP relay ("out"-only, no maildir delivery)
that accepts messages for relay with high limit, but delivers slowly
(i.e concurrency = 2).

The spool will be big, then.

I am looking for a setup that doesnt limit incoming messages, but
globally (*not* per destination) limits the delivery.

"*destination_concurrency_limit" settings are not what I want. I dont
want a per-destination limit but a global one. I assume this relay I is
a out-only and not a mix of IN/OUT.

I had a look at the active queue control, and thought about
"qmgr_message_active_limit", but: Will the message input be limited
(it's active, no?)?

Misaotra, Thanks, Merci.


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