> For reference, there was nothing further in the system or postfix
> logs, dmesg, or even by increasing the postfix logging level to the
> best of my ability.

When the kernel reports "Resource temporarily unavailable", that's
all that Postfix can report without second-guessing the kernel.

> # ps ax | grep master
> 14352 ?        Ss     0:08 /usr/libexec/postfix/master
> 14368 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/libexec/postfix/master

The presence of two Postfix master processes implies that you are
running two Postfix instances, each with its own queue directory

> # lsof -p 14352 -p 14368 | wc -l
> 188

Keep in mind that this line count includes the one-line header
(COMMAND  PID USER...), the master executable itself, a bunch of
shared libraries (libc, libssl, ...), as well as the per-process
current directory and root directory.


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