On 08/01/2010 08:42 PM, Mike Morris wrote:
On 08/01/2010 02:37 AM, Jeroen Geilman wrote:
On 08/01/2010 04:11 AM, Mike Morris wrote:
I'm working on a mail server deployment that will only have one server
for MX and SASL submission purposes. Generally I like to have separate
Postfix instances to handle a specific task.
Why ?
It's totally useless in this case.
SMTP runs on port 25, and rejects anything not_invented_here.
Submission runs on port 587, and requires SASL.
I don't believe it is "totally useless" to use separate instances for
distinct services.
Certainly, and postfix supplies its fair share, as I explained above.
Configurations can get complex. Outgoing mail may
be handled differently than incoming mail.
All mail comes in. all mail goes out.
Using multiple instances can
simplify the task. While it may not *work* in this case, using multiple
instances for MX and submission services is far from *useless*.
Instead of using multiple instances of postfix, why not use multiple
smtpd-listener instances, like we suggest ?
mail_version = 2.8-20100707
Plenty of people would argue that Postfix experimental releases are
quite stable. In this case I would like to test and make use of postscreen.
Yes, postscreen is sexy... I think there are ways to get it to work with
2.7, if you're prepared to overlay it onto a 2.7 build and fix what
breaks (if anything breaks, I know of at least one successful deployment).