On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 06:42:07AM +0200, Eddy Ilg wrote:

> warning: Connection concurrency limit exceeded: 11 from xx[w.x.y.z] for 
> service smtp

Butchered logs make it difficult to help you, the "xx" and "w.x.y.z"
need to be shown unaltered, so that they can be compared with the
configuration settings.

> I tried excepting MTA one in the config of MTA two from the limits as 
> follows:
> smtpd_client_connection_count_limit = 30
> smtpd_client_event_limit_exceptions =  $mynetworks, mta.one

Is host "xx" or IP address "w.x.y.z" listed in mynetworks or is
"xx" equal to "mta.one"?

> Somehow, both of these parameters have no effect. Note the 11 in the 
> message above.

Well, the default connection count limit is 50 not 10, so your
configuration settings are not as reported, perhaps you have master.cf
overrides, or additional settings lower in main.cf.


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