Thanks for this information markus

I would like to know if for this kind of virtual maps

use...@domain.tld use...@domain.tld
use...@domain.tld use...@domain.tld
use...@domain.tld use...@domain.tld
@domain.tld noexist...@domain.tld

when i send an email to use...@domain.tld postfix send to noexist...@domain.tld

when i send an email to use...@domain.tld postfix send to noexist...@domain.tld

when i send an email to use...@domain.tld postfix send to

when i send an email to anonym...@domain.tld postfix send to noexist...@domain.tld

is it a normal behavior that postfix send all mails to catch-all even the email address is existent in the hash table ?

On 01/07/2010 09:52, Markus Schönhaber wrote:
01.07.2010 00:07, David Touzeau:

dear I know this is not a good idea but this is for an internal server
in order to auto-create mailboxes.
A script parse the catch-all mailbox and create the appropriate mailbox

THe behavior is when i send mail to  use...@domain.tld the catch-all
take the hand and all mails are transfered to it noexist...@domain.tld

Which then creates the use...@domain.tld mailbox?
If so, and if I understand correctly, after use...@domain.tld was
created and someone wants to send a mail to this new account but
mis-types the address, for example us...@domain.tld, the (potential)
recipient won't get the message but rather the account us...@domain.tld
will be created. Moreover, the sender won't be notified that he sent
mail to a non-existent address.

so i have 2 choices :

enable catch-all but all mail going trough the catch-all mailbox

disable catch-all and forgot the script...

No, you have more choices. Among them are

3. Instead of a catch-all, use a single fixed account for sending
mailbox creation requests to in combination with + addressing.
For example, use creat...@domain.tld as the account requests are sent
to, and, if you want to create the use...@domain.tld account, send a
mail to createmb+use...@domain.tld.

4. Choose from the many mail management solutions that already exist.

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