> Hi,
> I have inherited a postfix MDA that I'm just trying to understand and we 
> currently have a problem with the forwarding of emails using LDAP lookups.
> Currently an email is forwarded if it matches the below map:
> virtual_alias_maps = ldap:ldapforward
> ldapforward_query_filter = 
> (&(|(mail=%s)(mailalternateaddress=%s))(mailforwardingaddress=*))
> ldapforward_result_attribute = mailforwardingaddress
> Now if we have the following 2 LDAP users:
> mail=...@somedomain.com
> mail=f...@somedomain.com
> mailalternateaddress=catch...@somedomain.com
> mailforwardingaddress=f...@elsewhere.com
> The initial lookup doesnt match against bob as he has no mailforward, 
> but then the postfix catchall lookup matches against the 2nd address and 
> forwards the email that should of gone to bob.
> Whats the solution for this setup?  How do I stop LDAP filters matching 
> the catchall mailbox when a more specific one exists without a mailforward?

This requires a one-to-one virtual alias mapping:

b...@example.com        -> b...@example.com

By design, virtual aliasing stops when a right-hand side address
matches the left-hand side (of course it also stops when a right-hand
side address fails to match the virtual alias table).


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