Hello list,

I refer to my question of august 2008 
(http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/postfix/2008-08/0747.html, and see

What are the necessary steps to add update support to the mysql client 
(Postfix 2.5.6 or newer)?

Has someone already done this and is willing to share the code?

Thanks for your help and kind regards

Wietse wrote on August 22nd 2008:
> Stefan Jakobs:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > I use Postfix 2.4.3 on two (actually four, but let's assume two)
> > mailgateways. Both do recipient verification and cache the results with
> > the address_verify_map (verify.db). Sometimes it happens that a foreign
> > server tries to deliver a message and gets a 4xx response from one of my
> > servers because the recipient verification doesn't finish in time. Then it
> > waits some time and tries the other one. From that one it gets a 4xx
> > response, too, because the second server doesn't know that the first
> > server has allready done the recipient verification and does it again by
> > itself. This process delays the delivery of a message and I like to avoid
> > that.
> > My idea: Is it possible to use one verify.db, let's say on a NFS share,
> > with two (or more) postfix servers? Or will it produce problems with
> > accessing the file?
> You can't have more than one process writing to a Berkeley DB verify
> database, not even when they run on the same machine.
> If you want to share the file with more than one Postfix server,
> you have several options.
> Option 1 uses the Postfix 2.5 proxywrite service, plus some
> source code changes:
> Option 2 adds "update" support to the Postfix mysql client.
>         Wietse 

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