Recipient map is also SQL based, here's the config.

[r...@mx sql]# cat relay_recipient_map.conf
user           = xxx
password       = xxx
dbname         = xxx
query          =
 FROM relay_recipient_map
 WHERE x='%s'

I'm pretty sure I already know the answer , just need confirmation.

Is this statement true or false? You cannot restrict sending mail to
authenticated sessions without also restricting incoming mail as well.

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 5:38 PM, Jeroen Geilman <> wrote:

> On 06/12/2010 02:08 AM, Walter Pinto wrote:
>> I'm looking for information on restricting users who send mail through our
>> MX servers to authenticated users only, we currently use SASL2/MySQL to
>> store valid user info, I'll try to include as much info as possible.
>> The reason I ask is because it seems that as long as the domain is found
>> in the recipient map, it allows unauthenticated sessions to send mail, see
>> below.
> You're not showing any recipient_maps.
> Anything could be in there.
> Are you seriously asking how to run a mail server that CANNOT receive mail
> unless people authenticate ?
> Hint: your own domains should be in some sort of recipient map, too.
> Unless you want to leave your mail server unable to receive mail, you
> normally allow mail to be sent TO your own domains FROM anywhere.
> J.

Walter Pinto
System Support / Administrator
4690 Longley Lane, Suite 34
Reno, NV 89502
775.331.3319 866.425.2035

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