Ralf Hildebrandt wrote (on Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 09:57:42AM +0200):
> > Administrators of sites that want to trouble-shoot connectivity issues
> > with your server will use "telnet 25" from time to time. There is no
> > need to block this, it is by far the least likely source of any
> > significant spam volume...
> Indeed. There are faster methods.

Kinda reminds me of the Donald Westlake story, which described a
fine-arts painter who took to counterfeiting $20s; the Secret Service
let him go with a slap on the wrist, they said, when they figured out 
it him hours to produce each note. :-)

Nachman Yaakov Ziskind, FSPA, LLM       aw...@ziskind.us
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law           http://ziskind.us
Economic Group Pension Services         http://egps.com
Actuaries and Employee Benefit Consultants

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