Nataraj wrote:
brian wrote:
On 10-05-26 03:55 PM, Noel Jones wrote:

Some random suggestions...

Use a bogus MX record for the old domain if that domain has no valid
mail recipients. Of course, some bots will connect to your A record

OK, I like the sound of that. Per your other email, I think I did, a long time ago, learn about A being used in the absence of an MX. That seems familiar now. Thanks for the tip.

You can use "reject_unlisted_recipient" early in your
smtpd_recipient_restrictions to dump connections to bad users early. A
later RBL check will only apply to valid recipients.

Set smtpd_hard_error_limit to a low number, such as 2, to disconnect
clients after just a few errors.

Set smtpd_error_sleep_time to 0 to get rid of bad clients without delay.

I'll give all that a try. Does this order seem alright?

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =

I'll bet the postfix 2.7 "postscreen" feature will get rid of 1/2 or
more of the bots before they every talk to you.

Postfix 2.7 allows you to specify 521 for the various *_reject_code
parameters to signal a disconnect.

I've just been having a look at that. It does seem to be something very useful in this situation. But, maybe the bogus MX will solve my problems.

Increase the max number of smtpd listeners in to the highest
number your memory will allow.

What's the best way of determining that?

I have had success with lowering these 3 parameters as well, if even temporarily during an attack. The values should be chosen based on how many legitamite incoming connections you receive (so as not to limit those). Also beware that in some cases rate limiting can cause a buildup of incoming connection requests which could cause problems with your tcp/ip stack, but generally these have worked for me.

smtpd_client_connection_count_limit = 6
smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit = 6
smtpd_client_message_rate_limit  = 6

If you never want mail destined for the domain, you can use setup a rule to reject it. I would think this would be quite fast. I would also use the bogus MX record to prevent as much traffic as possible form hitting the server.

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
 check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/smtpd_recipient_access

In the file smtpd_recipient_access            REJECT "NO THANK YOU, WE ARE NOT EXCEPTING MAIL"

Here's a simple script to build the hash file from smtpd_recipient_access
#! /bin/bash

/usr/sbin/postmap hash:/etc/postfix/smtpd_sender_access
/bin/chgrp postfix smtpd_sender_access*
/bin/chmod g=r,o-rwx smtpd_sender_access*


You won't really need the check_recipient_access if is not configured as a local domain.


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