Thank You for all informations sent over.
Could You please send me specs for that commercial software so I can ask
the client if that's what he supposed to have ?
You can email me off-list,don't know this list rules by heart.
Nataraj wrote:
Dragan Zubac wrote:
I need to setup Postfix mail server that will be used only
occasionally for sending out newsletters and other automated emails.
There are 4 boxes,1. is the box where Postfix is installed,boxes
2.,3. and 4. are boxes that have various scripts that will use SMTP to
connect to box 1. in order to send emails.
The requirements are as follows:
1. All Postfix mail logs must be able to check via some kind of web
interface,where one will be able to see the MessageID,Subject,To,
Date,Time and status of sent message,the similar can be seen on
the following URL:
(although not necessarily using this software)
The purpose of this requirement is for somebody to be able to find
out if any of the emails sent out was not delivered,and if not,
what was the reason.
2. The scripts will send 'important' and 'less important' emails. If
script is programmed to send 'important' ones,the copy of email
must be sent to a separate account that will archive all sent
emails (automatically BCC or something similar).
If script will send 'less important' email,there is no need to
keep a copy of sent email.
The purpose of this request is for somebody to be able to find out
the same copy of email if a recipient confirm that he has not
received that very same email.
3. Some emails will have kind of 'no-r...@domain.com' email address
in 'From' field. If recipient of this email by accident or so
does send a reply back to 'no-re...@domain.com',he should receive
an error email ('User does not exist' or similar error) and
also certain local user at 'domai.com' should be alerted that an
attempt of email delivery to 'no-re...@domain.com' has been
Could You please share Your ideas/thoughts how this can be achieved
or so ?
Dragan Zubac
I'm not sure if this is useful or not, but the two most common open
source pieces of software for managing mailing lists are mailman and
majordomo (the server used for this list). Both can be used with
postfix. mailman is written in python and has a web based interface
to allow users to subscribe as well as for management purposes.
Majordomo is written in perl, and I believe the administration as well
as subscription lists is still managed in email. Personally, I like
the web interface of mailman as well as the way that it handles
headers., though I have not managed a list myself with mailman. I
don't know what kind of reporting these packages provide, but
everything is in log files and python/perl code can be easily
customized, so if your skilled at working with python/perl you could
add report pages and features as needed. Both packages have been used
quite extensively for large mailing lists.
Outside of these options, there are commercial services that are
relatively inexpensive that provide mailing list managers with
reporting functions that marketing types tend to want to see. I'm not
personally a big fan of these things, and many are used for what I
consider borderline spamming, but sometimes it's easier to farm things
out than implement everything yourself. If it interests you, I can
send you the name of one that one of my clients likes, though I have
no personal experience.