
I've been trying to figure out the best way to drop/sort spam with
virtual users. All documentation I could find didn't fit to our virtual
configuration and I'm a bit confused what's the best way to drop spam.

Our setup is postfix+cyrus-imapd+spamassassin. Users have access to
sieve via roundcube plugin and we'd like to keep sieve out of this anyways.

The goal is to apply an filter based on SA's score, so that if the score
is > 10 drop the mail and if it's less than 10 but still spam, deliver
it to user/myser/INBOX.Junk. The latter is optional step, main priority
is to drop "certain spam" (score over 10) so that user won't ever see it.

Currently mail goes trough spamassassin (smtp content-filter) and
virtual-delivery goes trough cyrus lmtp. I was wondering if I could
create another content-filter for lmtp at master.cf (lmtp -o
content_filter=maildrop) and drop/sort junk via that. May be that this
approach is just plain stupid and I didn't get it to work anyways.

The another approach which came to mind was to use maildrop as an
virtual_transport and trigger cyrdeliver from maildrop, but didn't have
the time to try this one out. Maybe procmail would do better in this
scenario, but I'm not sure.

Besides the actual goal I'm interested about the efficiency with each
method. I'd like to maintain lmtp-like delivery so that postfix doesn't
have to spawn processes for each and every mail going trough.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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