Jamal Mubarak:
> On May 9, 2010, at 5:56 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> > This involves getting a trace of system calls (arguments and results)
> > when the error happens.
> > 
> > Some systems capture a system call trace with commands like:
> > 
> >    ktrace -f /file/name -d command
> >    strace -o /file/name -f command
> >    truss -o /file/name -f command  
> > 
> > But, things may be different on MacOS.
> > 
> > Above, "command" is the command that starts the entire printing
> > system.  On some systems, "command" would be:
> > 
> >    sh /etc/rc.d/cups start
> >    sh /etc/init.d/cups start
> Thanks for replying!  I did try "dtruss -n sendmail".  It gave me a large 
> output which I compared with a regular email that did not fail.  It is hard 
> for me to decipher but here is a part of it.  The rest is given below:

The problem does not happen in the Sendmail process that you run,
but in a CHILD process of that Sendmail process.  

Therefore, you need to specify an option to trace CHILD processes.

The examples above use "-d" or "-f" to achieve that. MacOS dtrace
may have a different option for the same purpose.


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