Yes, you can check grey listing topics and dns black list topics, all
incomming mail is procesed before arrive to the server with this features.

:: L.I. Ricardo D. Carrillo Sánchez
:: Security Specialist
:: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico    ::
:: Ciudad Universitaria                                          , D.F. Mex

:: e-mail prim.: davxoc at gmai dot com
:: e-mail secu.: davxoc at hotmail dot com

On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Bruno Ribeiro da Silva <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is it possible to filter incoming messages before mailbox delivery
> without use of procmail or maildrop?
> I'm trying to use osbf-lua spamfilter, I setup this with postfix
> after-queue filter
> but it's not what I want, because outgoing mails are being classified
> too. So is there a way to do filtering only on moment before delivery?
> I'm using virtual transport.
> Thanks in advance!

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