Zitat von Nataraj <>: wrote:
Zitat von Nataraj <>:


I would appreciate any suggestions anyone can offer on the following problem that I'm having with postfix...

I'm running postfix+pgsql-2.3.3-2.1.el5_2 on a CentOS 5.4 server. I see what looks likes a server in stress mode as described in except the odd think about it is that the server is not heavily loaded and I sure can't see where it's exceeding any process limits. What's even odder is it doesn't appear that the stress code is implemented in this version.

If I telnet to port 25 I get an immediate SMTP greeting followed in 10 seconds by
421 4.4.2 Error: timeout exceeded
and the connection being closed.
The following maillog entry is logged:
May 3 16:44:06 mymail postfix/smtpd[22573]: timeout after CONNECT from[]

Why do you think your Postfix server is "stressed"?? The automatic stress-dependant features are introduced in version 2.5 as far as i know so your Postfix does not support -o stress at all. If you only have 4 smtpd running and your server show greeting immediately when telneting to port 25 all should be fine.

I don't think it is a stress condition. The problem is that it is timing everything out. Further checking shows, it times out inbound SMTP connections in like 3-4 seconds and fails outbound deliveries to slow servers. The transports also timeout and bounce messages.

Sorry i still don't understand what the problem is...
Are you concerned about "timeout after SOMETHING" messages in the logs?
Do you have problems with mails not arriving?
Do you have problems with mails not leaving?

Please try to explain, maybe with log data for a problematic mail.



"fails outbound deliveries to slow servers." means there are problems with outbound mail deliveries. Yes there are complaints of people sending mail from the outside whose delivery is either delayed or does not get through. This means there are problems with inbound mail. An SMTP server that times out after 4 seconds of inactivity is not reasonable given the possibility of delays in others mail systems and on the internet.

The question that I am asking is what else can cause these timeouts if there is no stress code in my current version of postfix?


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