I tnink you're talking about the "local_recipient_maps  =" setting but if I do 
not use it, I get a " Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local 
recipient table" and the mail is not forwarded.

And, with this setting (just empty), user localy existing (in the 
/etc/password) are receiving their mail on the new server (on the frontend)

I understand your raction but it works !

Thanks Reinaldo.

De : owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org [owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org] de la 
part de Reinaldo de Carvalho [reinal...@gmail.com]
Date d'envoi : lundi 3 mai 2010 00:26
À : Postfix
Objet : Re: RE : How to forward mail when mailbox not localy existing

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 7:21 PM, Yannick <yann...@campana.be> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks a lot to all of you (Ralf, Stefano and Appliantologist) for your great 
> support !!!
> I think I'll use the Ralf solution as I don't have to maintain any additional 
> list , by just putting:
> luser_relay = $u...@[ip_address_of_old_server]
> local_recipient_maps  =
> All the mailbox not yet localy created on the new server will be forwarded to 
> the old.

Please, don't turn off (local) recipient checking.

Reinaldo de Carvalho

"Don't try to adapt the software to the way you work, but rather
yourself to the way the software works" (myself)

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