On Tuesday 20 April 2010 18:46:51 Noel Jones wrote:
> For your server (from list mail headers)
> Received: from pasts.trikata.com (unknown [])
Well and if I have a domain 11.lv, for which this is given:
host 11.lv
11.lv has address
11.lv mail is handled by 10 mail.11.lv.
11.lv mail is handled by 20 mail2.11.lv.
shouldn't that server be made to use mail.11.lv instead of pasts.trikata.com, 
if I send out as @11.lv?

>         by english-breakfast.cloud9.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 
> 0B4E52CFE4E
>         for <postfix-users@postfix.org>; Tue, 20 Apr 2010 14:00:53 
> -0400 (EDT)
> # host
> Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
Sorry, how is that supposed to be known about what addresses point to Besides there are/should be two or more...

> Oops, no rDNS.  Many sites won't accept mail from IPs with no 
> rDNS.  Contact your ISP about adding a PTR of 
> "pasts.trikata.com" for your IP.
Perhaps you mean DNS service or pasts.trikata.com?

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