On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Stan Hoeppner <s...@hardwarefreak.com> wrote:
> Except these aren't fully qualified patterns, can generate FPs, and cause
> other problems.  The patterns I shared are fully qualified, so the chance of
> FPs is zero or near zero.  Also note the domain specific reject text in my
> patterns.
> Your patterns are what many people start out with.  They may work fine for a
> while on low volume vanity servers for the family and the dog, but they
> don't work well on real mail streams at decent sized organizations.

Please don't generalize. The organization size isn't the point.

>  This was discussed at length on spam-l not too long ago.  That's how I ended 
> up
> with the regexp file I shared here, because I was previously using something
> generic like that above, and a seasoned OP took pity on me (and others).
> --
> Stan

Disclose the organization rules to receive emails on main website. Put
a URL in reject reason to inform the problem (need a patch for
build-in restrictions).

Reinaldo de Carvalho

"Don't try to adapt the software to the way you work, but rather
yourself to the way the software works" (myself)

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