Hello There! I have looked around the net for an answer to this with no luck.
Our company has a pair of Postfix relays that relay mail in and out of our network. We use an outside email service for email archiving, and this requires all the mail to be sent through the service. We can not just send the mail to the open internet. So I set this up in the main.cf file. relay_domains = maildomain1 maildomain2 maildomain3 relayhost = to the DNS name of the email archiving service fallback_relay = to the second DNS name of the email archiving service In a transport file: maildomain1 :[mailboxserverIP] maildomain2 :[mailboxserverIP] maildomain3 :[mailboxserverIP] Etc. Everything works fine, except when we have a problem with the mailbox server. When the mailbox server can not accept email for any reason we get mail loops on incoming mail. It seems to be something like this: 1. Email from outside goes to email archive service 2. email archive service sends it to our postfix relays 3. postfix relay tries to send it to mailbox server, but mailbox server is not available 4. postfix then sends the email back to the archive service (fallback relay?) causing a mail loop Anybody have any ideas? Thanks! jg Jon Giles Network Engineer The CDM Group 220 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017 p: (212) 450-2912 [http://esig.sscggroup.com/The_CDM_Group.jpg] ________________________________ Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. ________________________________ ________________________________ Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. Any strategies and tactics described herein or in attachments are subject to legal and regulatory approval prior to implementation. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply e-mail. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent to Internet e-mail of this kind. Opinions, conclusions, and other information in this message that do not relate to the official business of The CDM Group shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it.