Martin Schütte wrote:
Mauro Faccenda wrote:
Does anyone can recommend any good alternative to Mailman as a Mailing
Lists Manager that plugs well with Postfix?
I heard some praise for
But I never used it myself.
a tremendous piece of work - truly industrial strength with strong
support (open source from a consortium of French universities) - I use
it to support several dozen lists, supports multiple virtual domains
can be a bit tricky to get set up, though more recent releases have been
pretty easier, and the support list is great (lots of users and the main
developers respond as well)
works fine with Postfix (my installation includes Postfix, amavisd,
spamassassin, clamav - they all wire together just fine)
I recommend it highly
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra