On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 15:47 +0100, Ilja Beeskow wrote:
> Hello @ll
> I have a little problem with postfix 2.5, trendmicro viruswall and an old 
> exchange 2k behind it. Perhaps somebody could give me a hint because I'm 
> really confused after some days of trying different things.
> for incoming mail everything is clear:
> relay_domains and transport_maps, tmvw as a content_filter do the job!
> Internet      DMZ           Intranet
> --------      ---------     ----------
>                tmvw (as cf)
>            10025
>                 ^ |
>                 | v 10026
> smtp (25)->   pf     (25)-> exchange2k
> outgoing mail should be handled a litte different:
> Internet      DMZ           Intranet
> --------      ---------     ----------
>                tmvw (as cf)  <---- (10025)
>                 |  (10025)          |
>          (10026)|     ^             | not possible!
>                 v     |             |
>    MX <-(25)   pf     pf-sec  <-(25) ex2k
> Because of the fact the ex2k was migrated from 5.5 we actually have the 
> problem that ex2k is not configurable to use any other port than 25. This 
> breaks the design of tmvw.
> My idea is a second smtp-process (I have two IPs) like this
> master.cf
>      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
>      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
> What I want ist a forwarding process getting it's mail on port 25 and 
> forwarding it to port 10025 of tmvw. tmvw should reinject on port 10026 of 
> the 
> first (outbound) smtpd process .

I think it is easier to use a transparent proxy which redirects incoming
connections to port 25 to localhost port 10025. Check your firewall
documentation for your platform. Ipchains of ipfilter or ...

> What I think to know is that my second process has to have set this
>      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
>    -o myhostname=gw.mydomain.local
>    -o relayhost=smtp:[]:10025
>    -o content_filter=
>    -o smtpd_use_tls=no
>    -o mynetworks=
>    -o mydestination=
>    -o relay_transport=
> Is this possible and why does it not forward to port 10025? Do you have a 
> source for me dealing with a similar problem?
> with kind regards
> Ilja Beeskow

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