On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 03:43:25PM +0530, ram wrote:

> One of our clients sends contract notes to their customers and they
> require to store all logs of deliveries/bounces by some law. 
> They have requirements like 
> * The log should contain the full date including year
> * The log line should indicate full info -->
> sender,rcpt,datetime,size,status 
> I have managed to add custom logs in postfix source in bounce.c and
> sent.c. (Thanks to the neatly structured code it wasnt much of an
> effort) 
> Only problem is when a message expires there is no log line that says 
> $queue-id:  "$sender" to "$rcpt" status=expired 
> How can I log this ?

Collate the logs by message-id. What expired is the message, therefore,
all recipients not yet delivered are expired.

If the client uses a decently written bounce-bot, they can parse any
bounces and extract the undelivered recipients.


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environment.  If you are interested, please drop me a note.

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