I'm having trouble configuring a working duplicate filter for my mail
server. This simple procmail recipe does the trick:
:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| formail -D 8192 .msgid.cache
The question is, is it possible to configure postfix to use procmail as
a content filter along with ClamAV and then after the filtering, postfix
gives the messages to Dovecot's deliver for delivery?
I basically want to do this:
Unfiltered mail -> Postfix -> Procmail filter -> ClamAV filter ->
Postfix -> Dovecot delivery
My mail server is otherwise working fine but I want to eliminate the
multiple delivery of a message to a virtual users Maildir that has more
than one e-mail address.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
* Veikko "Wexi" Skurnik: +358(44)5288338 *
* w...@wexin.net w...@ircnet *
* Näyttämönkatu 4 B 12 33720 Tampere *
* "Kosminen balanssi ei saa järkkyä" *