Rob Tanner wrote:
> If you’re familiar with email, you know you can add “Send mail as”
> identities and when you setup a second identity, you have the option
> of using Gmail’s SMTP server or the SMTP server for the domain to
> which the “send as” identity belongs. My problem is I can’t get it to
> work.  The error I get is:
>       *Authentication failed. Please check your username/password.
>      [Server response: Remote server does not support TLS code(500) ]
> *
> TLS is enabled on port 25 of our server and it has a regular Thawte
> certificate behind it.  Tests with Thunderbird using PLAIN
> authentication (SASL method) work perfectly.  From our point of view,
> all we really want to protect in any SMTP transaction are the user
> credentials (uid/passwd) and what we are doing is currently
> sufficient.  Google, on the other hand is doing something different or
> expecting something different and I have no idea what.  If you are
> successfully using a similar setup with Gmail, could you please pass
> on your wisdom.
Watch your postfix logs and start debugging when gmail tries to
authenticate against your server....
> Thanks,
> Rob
> *Rob Tanner
> *UNIX Services Manager
> Linfield College, McMinnville Oregon

Jorge Armando Medina
Computación Gráfica de México
Tel: 55 51 40 72, Ext: 124
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