Quoting Radio Tron <paleywie...@yahoo.com>:
Hi, I'm a volunteer on an OpenBSD free-shell (cyberspace.org). Staff
has turned off email because of SPAM (hogs our bandwidth and staff
1. Can we configure postfix such that it first checks a user's home
directory for a .postfix_white-list file and accepts mail (MAIL
FROM:) only if there is a match between what's in the white-list
file and what it sees in the MAIL FROM field?
2. Can we configure outgoing mail such that postfix delivers only
3. Can we group users into categories? Some get 0mails/hr, 5m/5h,
10m/5hr etc..
If you're talking about inbound mail, you'll have better luck using a
good RBL or two.
If you're talking about your users sending spam, you might want to
look into amavisd-new and spamassassin. You can capture the
"spam-level" in maillog, have a script parse it, and block users that
send too much spammy-looking mail, until they've been reviewed by an