On 1/11/2010 10:14 AM, rcolme...@libero.it wrote:

I have a postfix 2.3.3 with an amavis antivir.

I need to resume some
mails, moved into /var/virusmails from amavis, to
(I need that postfix try to resend them).

If I move the single mail files
(changing owner and permission) I obtain that
postfix move it into "corrupt"
dir after while.

I have noticed that the files in "virusmails" have a "plain-
text" format, but
email in "incoming" seem to have a binary format (I sniffed
one during a
normal mail delivery).

How can I resume my mails?

Use the amavisd-release function to release mail out of the quarantine. See the amavisd RELEASE_NOTES for details, or see the amavis-user mail list archive.

If you must requeue them with postfix, you need edit the text file and then resubmit them with the sendmail command.

  -- Noel Jones

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