One of the greatest improvements in the 2.7 tree is the ability to
defer transmission of received messages to a SMTP proxy until the
message receiption completes (smtpd_proxy_options = speed_adjust).

However, compared to the content_filter setting, it stil lacks some
functionality: A content filter supports all (well, the ones I'm aware
of) the settings which are valid in a transport(5) map. It thereby
provides a very easy way to realize DNS based kiad balancing by
specifying a content filter setting like
"", where the zone
"" holds several MX entries pointing to the
content filter machines. As far as my understanding goes that is
possible because the content_filter setting merely overrides the
nexthop setting, making all standard functionality (MX lookups,
queuing etc.) available.

So, my question is: Are there any plans to further enhance Postfix's
functionality as far as SMTP proxy filtering is concerned, and make
that kind of load balancing available to pre-queue setups using

Of course, I realize that a proxy setup is much more time critical
than a content_filter setup. One would have to set a low timeout for
trying any of the proxy filters, and one would perhaps need a way to
specifiy different timeouts for each try (e.g., specify a short
timeout for the first proxy filter that is contacted and a long
timeout for the last one - better get a message filtered at all than
to discard it).

Still, getting load balancers out of a mail setup would be a nice


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