On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 08:29:44PM +0200, Patrick Chemla wrote: > Here the logs:
This is just the qmgr(8) warnings about a clogged queue. Other than telling us that all the mail is going to "localpc2105.com", this is not very useful. Where are the logs from smtp(8)? What transport is "localpc2105.com" destined for? Any earlier logging about actual delivery attempts for this destination? -- Viktor. Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored. Please do not ignore the "Reply-To" header. To unsubscribe from the postfix-users list, visit http://www.postfix.org/lists.html or click the link below: <mailto:majord...@postfix.org?body=unsubscribe%20postfix-users> If my response solves your problem, the best way to thank me is to not send an "it worked, thanks" follow-up. If you must respond, please put "It worked, thanks" in the "Subject" so I can delete these quickly.