On Jan 3, 2010, at 1:14 PM, richard lucassen wrote:

>> 3000 recipients is waaaaaaay too many to do in a single
>> shot  using Bcc.
> Ok, but a mlm is quite some overkill IMHO, just wondering if there was
> an intermediate solution. This is for a blind person who handles the
> "mailinglist" himself, so solutions are rather limited.

I know nothing about your situation, but "blind" caught my attention. Over the 
past couple years, I wrote a program to try to interface some blind kids to a 
computer, at a pretty basic level and for a specific set of tasks -- 
http://www.auraluserinterface.com. The kids in TX were quite empowered by it, 
even though it's far from ready for prime time. If you think it might help the 
list manager, let me know and I'll see if I can't make it run mailman list adds 
and deletes via ssh or http...

Glenn English

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