I am moving our email system to Postfix, but I'm not quite able to get it to do what I want.

I would like to "collapse" (alias?) all our domains and subdomains down to one, so email to a name @ any of our domains ends up in one mailbox. I have this working (as best as I can tell) using virtual domains.

I would like to use virtual mailboxes, not system accounts. I think I've got this working, too, using Postfix virtual mailboxes.

I would like to list, in one place, all the valid users; in the same (or another) place, list aliases.

And somehow have any address not in that list get put into a catch-all mailbox. I can't get that part to work - it just creates new virtual mailboxes.

To top it off, I'm using Dovecot deliver to allow server-side filtering using sieve.

Postfix 2.6.5
Dovecot 1.2.9
CentOS 5.4


...Ralph Johnston

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