Dne 14.12.2009 v 09:16 Lucian @ lastdot.org napsal(a):

> I need to delete all attachments from emails at server level. I'm
> using stock postfix in Centos 5 (v 2.3.3).
> I found renattach (http://www.pc-tools.net/unix/renattach/), but this
> software seems to have been discontinued and the author does not
> recommend it anymore.
> Can you recommend another method of deleting attachments?

I use:
  postfix content_filter -> my shell-script -> ripmime -> postfix-sendmail

Programm 'ripmime' split mail into files - one file is one MIME-part 
(plain text body, attachments files,...).
    But for only delete attachments maybe there is exists more elegant and 
simpler method (programm) than with 'ripmime'.

Michal Kurka - Mysak
sluzby spojene s operacnim systemem Linux

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