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On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 03:40:54PM +0200, Mihai Mustea wrote:
> My emails are deferred by Yahoo (when I was sending from only
> one interface). Do you think this solution can solve my issues

First, I really doubt it IS an issue. My solution to the same issue
was to do nothing. List mail goes out, Yahoo defers, other members
receive their list mail in a timely manner. If any of the deferrals
persisted to become bounces, it would be my problem. TTBOMK this has
never happened. Therefore the problem lies with the individual list
subscriber. If they want list mail faster, they should not use a
Yahoo address.

Second, maybe, but probably not. Any particular dispatch will likely
involve multiple Yahoo recipients in excess of their arbitrary limit
for deferral.

> or I can get into trouble?

Fixing problems which do not exist is, by definition, trouble. More
trouble than it's worth, I would say.

Furthermore it is indeed possible that your approach will yield a
longer wait in queue for Yahoo recipients, because the second and
subsequent attempts will come from different IP addresses. "This
looks new," says the Yahoo deferral logic, "so go away."

Finally, do note that you need valid FCrDNS on each IP address
you're using. You would probably need multiple A records for
$myhostname and a PTR of the same name for each.
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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