On Oct 20, 2009, at 11:52 PM, Russell Jones <rjo...@eggycrew.com> wrote:

Aw. That deserves a sad face :-( .

I was hoping, since you can edit bounce.cf to say what you would like, you could also edit the actual system error message.

Well that is what Postfix is doing: simply acting as a messenger and reporting the system error (see sys_exits.c if I recall). You don't want to suppress this messenger functionality altogether, hence the smiley in my initial response to indicate jest. ;)

Sahil Tandon wrote:

On Tue, 20 Oct 2009, Russell Jones wrote:

I have Postfix 2.3.3 installed, and am using standard file system
quotas for users. Whenever a user receives a message and the message
cannot be delivered to them due to being over quota, the following
bounce messages is sent back:

<mailto:russell-example....@server2.example.com> (expanded from
russ...@example.com <mailto:russ...@example.com>): can't create user
output file

How would one go about changing "can't create user output file" to
being more friendly? Such as "Quota exceeded".

Edit the code. :-)

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