Zitat von Mark Goodge <m...@good-stuff.co.uk>:

Raimund Eimann wrote:

I'm running Cyrus imapd and postfix on a box. I would like postfix to
deliver incoming mail not to /var/spool/mail/<username>, but rather to
/var/spool/imap/<username>/Inbox, where the latter is apparently not a
flat file, but rather a typical imap directory structure ("maildir"?)

Currently incoming mail for <username> is simply appended to

Can someone here roughly tell me how to do this?

In main.cf, add or edit the line:

mail_spool_directory = /var/spool/imap/

The trailing slash marks it as a Maildir-style mailbox, as opposed to a flat file mailbox. The username will be appended to the config value automatically.

Your current setting would appear to be

mail_spool_directory = /var/spool/mail

That creates the situation you are currently seeing, which is mail stored in flat files in /var/spool/mail/<username>.

The Inbox directory in the IMAP structure is created by the mail client, not the server.



I think you should never write to Cyrus mailspool without using the Cyrus Tools??



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