Rene Bartsch wrote:
>> Rene Bartsch wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm running the combination of Postfix, Postfix-GLD (Greylisting) and 
>>> DBMail(MDA) as a
> stand-alone
>>> Internet host on a Ubuntu-9.04 system. The file '' 
>>> provides the MySQL access
> information for the list of mail-aliases in DBMail and '' 
> provides the list of
> virtual domains extracted from the mail-aliases.
>> According to your config below, you are trying to use local as virtual. 
>> Don't do this.
> According to I shall do 
> this.

This documentation tries to override the Address Classes that Postfix
has defined in the ADDRESS_CLASS_README.
No guarantees are given with unsupported configurations.

> If I use virtual as you proposed, remote clients can send mail to postfix, 
> but postfix doesn't
> relay mail from local (loopback or private network) users to the internet.
> (Message not sent. Server replied:
>    Action not performed: mailbox not available
>    550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User 
> unknown in virtual
> mailbox table

The difference you may be missing is that virtual_mailbox_maps expects
an entire u...@domain.tld instead of just user.
This makes it more flexible to use multiple domains.
A simple change to the SQL lookups can make things flow

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