Wietse Venema wrote: > Postfix snapshot 20091008 includes an updated version of the > postscreen daemon. This means it is no longer limited to the > non-production releases. >
Nice! There is a cool feature on OpenBSD's spamd that makes zombies suffer a lot: -S secs Stutter at greylisted connections for the specified amount of seconds, after which the connection is not stuttered at. The default is 10; maximum is 90. -s secs Delay each character sent to the client by the specified amount of seconds. The default is 1; maximum is 10. http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=spamd&sektion=8 Discarding the greylist feature, sending data very slowly makes zombies suffer and does not eat our bandwidth. 1) Wait X seconds to send the pre-greeting to detect out of order commands 2) If the client has waited accordingly, optionally, send another "220-text..." greeting line but slowly, like spamd does. 3) If the client is still there, whitelist it for a day. Another suggestion: rise the default postscreen_greet_wait from 4 to 10 seconds, or even 15 or 20. I've been using smtpd_error_sleep_time=30s and so far I had no problems for years and it is very effective keeping dictionary floods away. With a setup like this I believe greylisting is not that relevant any more. Great work. Miguel
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