On Wednesday 07 October 2009 7:30:06 pm Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> This will probably cause a serious amount of flames but how about just
> doing a HOLD action from header_checks for anything to the domain(s)?
> When he returns remove the statement and release the messages.

But that would require me remembering to add and remove the action, and it's 
never a good idea to rely on me doing something...

On Wednesday 07 October 2009 3:38:47 pm Noel Jones wrote:
> Queue lifetimes are global.  To hold mail for one domain
> longer, you need to set up another instance of postfix, and
> send all the long-lived mail there with a transport maps
> entry.  Postfix 2.6 and newer has tools to make multiple
> instances easier, but it can be done manually with any version.
> http://www.postfix.org/MULTI_INSTANCE_README.html

Thanks.  I was hoping it would be something easy, but I suppose these things 
are sent to try us.  I'll probably give it a go when Ubuntu 9.10 comes out, 
which should include Postfix 2.6.

Thanks, both, for the suggestions.


Neil Smith                               http://www.njae.me.uk
Milton Keynes Roleplaying Games Club  http://www.mk-rpg.org.uk

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