On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 02:18:04PM -0500, John Dubchak wrote:

> > > I read the documentation that said the default value for
> > > virtual_mailbox_base is blank if it is not present.  I wanted to create
> > > a more flexible system and decided to change the query in
> > > virtual_mailbox_maps to return the fully derived mail delivery path and
> > > remove virtual_mailbox_base altogether, however, given that
> > > configuration change, mail does not get delivered.  So I believe I am
> > > wrong in thinking that those are the only 2 things that need to change
> > > in order to fully derive that delivery path.
> > 
> >     http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#virtual_mailbox_base
> > 
> > While the default is empty, you MUST set a non-empty value to use the
> > virtual(8) delivery agent.
> > 
> Hi Victor,
> Thanks for your response.
> In my virtual_mailbox_maps, I am using the results of the query from a
> postgresql database.  I was hoping I'd be able to have the query return
> the full path of the mailbox directory and remove the
> virtual_mailbox_base from my main.cf file.
> However, making that change, mail was not being delivered at all.
> So, I believe I am using correctly, or is that not the case?

If you want to reduce security, set the parameter to "/" as documented.


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