On 9/16/2009 3:10 PM, LuKreme wrote:
you can add a virtual_alias_maps entry to rewrite it. This works for
any domain.

u...@yaho.com u...@yahoo.com

But in that case I'd have to specify every possible user?

What I need to do is be able to, for example, rewrite (.*)@yaho\.com to

Then you can add a wildcard entry for the bogus domain. Normally wildcards are a bad idea since they defeat recipient validation for incoming mail, but since this is a remote domain we don't really care.


@yaho.com  @yahoo.com

You could also use a pcre or regexp table, but that's not needed here.

Normally I would suggest a transport entry that rejects the bogus domain with a hint:
yaho.com  error:maybe you mean "@yahoo.com"
but it sounds like this case needs to be treated differently. Been there, done that.

  -- Noel Jones

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