> I recall some months ago seeing a large discussion on someone taking
> their time and dedication on creating a pre-packaged RPM of 2.6.X. I
> was wondering if anyone has the latest RPM that I can download for my
> new RHEL 5  server. I am looking to use 2.6.5 from a packaged RPM
> however Redhat / CentOS only have 2.3 available from their mirrors.
> Sadly the DoD is requiring I utilize a current stable release for this
> project. Does anyone know if I can still download 2.6 (preferably
> 2.6.5) and from where?


You might want to put together a build environment and roll your own.  I tend 
to do this for a lot of software (as I need to application specific business 
required patches to several packages).  In most cases, you can easily setup a 
chroot environment of some type, download the source RPM (instead binary), and 
then compile it.  In many cases, when I need to go from 2.6.x up to the next 
version, I just download the new source file, edit my spec file for postfix, 
change the version number, run a single command to build it, wait about 4 
minutes, then I have a package.  (it's easier than it sounds once you've done 
it a few times).

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