Arora, Sumit put forth on 9/14/2009 7:51 AM:
> Thanks egoitz & Ram.
> Actually I don't need the whole functionality of Postfix, I also need to cut 
> the code for my requirement only.
> My requirement is to just receive the email and send the body and attachments 
> to another component.
> There is no requirement of sending any email from my postfix server.
> Now my question is, is it worth to cut the code and use the only module which 
> I need or I should go with the whole postfix?

It's really starting to sound like qpsmtpd might be a better fit for your 

You need to receive email via smtp and just pipe it to your project program, 
and you need to strip your smtpd down to the bare minimum of code, correct?  
qpsmtpd may be ideal for this.  It is written entirely in perl and thus you 
automatically have the full source code and can modify and strip it as you see 
fit, without the need for recompiling after changes.  qpsmtpd by default is 
strictly an smtp daemon, not a full MTA.

I know of a corporation running a very large spam trap operation, with qpsmtpd 
running on a dozen or so old Sparc machines, hosting thousands of spam trap 
addresses across hundreds of domains.  The spam email comes in, a copy is 
written to a database, some custom perl code is run, and that's about it.  
These machines are basically 'shovels' used to sling the spam samples into the 
database 'pit' as fast as possible because the load is extremely high.  qpsmtpd 
is relatively lightweight and fast, and can run very high levels of concurrency 
for good throughput.  This operation is handling multiple millions of trap 
messages/day with qpsmtpd.

If you're attempting to do something similar, I might be able to put you in 
contact with this trap operator.


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