On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:52:27PM +1000, Simon Wilson wrote:

> And it never succeeds. If I set smtpd_tls_auth_only to no and disable Use 
> SSL on the iPhone it auths over SMTP (insecurely) and sends fine.
> Sep 14 23:17:59 server04 postfix/smtpd[4774]: connect from 
> unknown[]
> Sep 14 23:18:00 server04 postfix/smtpd[4774]: 233D6573DF: 
> client=unknown[], sasl_method=PLAIN, sasl_username=simon
> This used to work, and I am just not sure what has changed...

Carrier (MITM) proxying port 25 submission via a proxy (that does not
support SSL)?

> So I have enabled port 587 in postfix master.cf,so now I have:
> smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
> submission inet n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
> Port forward 587 on the router, and tell the iPhone to use 587 instead of 
> 25 and now it works... ?!?
> Do I need to change anything else in main.cf, or master.cf, or will 
> everything else still work the same as per if it had been submitted on 25?

Should be fine.


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