Arora, Sumit:
> Thanks egoitz & Ram.
> Actually I don't need the whole functionality of Postfix, I also
> need to cut the code for my requirement only.  My requirement is
> to just receive the email and send the body and attachments to
> another component.
> There is no requirement of sending any email from my postfix server.
> Now my question is, is it worth to cut the code and use the only
> module which I need or I should go with the whole postfix?

I suggest that you use the documented pipe-to-command interface.
You can pipe-to-command with ~/.forward (see "man 5 aliases")
and with the pipe(8) delivery agent (see "man 8 pipe").

Postfix only runs the programs that you need.  If you never send
(or receive) mail via SMTP, then the SMTP client (or server) program
will never run.


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