On Aug 27, 2009, at 11:50, Victor Duchovni wrote:
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 11:41:08AM -0400, Daniel L'Hommedieu wrote:
SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT
host hostname.is-a-geek.com []: 554 5.7.1
Sender address rejected: you cannot send on behalf of example.net
Delete the rule in your access tables that rejects mail from remote
systems with envelope sender addresses in your domain.
This is not default Postfix behaviour. You configured your Postfix to
reject such mail, now appears that you need to accept it.
Indeed I did, Viktor. The huge majority of the spam I get is "from me
to me" spam, and this was an attempt to avoid that spam. It is
proving to be phenomenally successful - it is the single greatest spam
limiter I have ever seen, blocking nearly twice as much spam than the
ZEN spamhaus list that I implemented at the same time.
I could remove the limitation as you suggest, but doing so would open
me up to hundreds of spams a day. I could certainly email my wife at
the local address instead of the .mac address, and shall begin doing
so, but is there any other way?