On 23-Aug-2009, at 17:50, MySQL Student wrote:
I have a user that travels frequently. We have been using
pop-before-smtp, and that's worked well. He now has a Verizon Air
card, and the IP changes faster than the popb4smtp db can keep up
with, so I had to add an entire /24 to mynetworks so he wouldn't have
a problem connecting.

Er... the day I do something like that to work around the asstards at Verizon is the day someone needs to shoot me in the head.

How can I duplicate this using postfix, and without the PITA that is
popb4smtp, so he doesn't have to leave our system, and doesn't think
we're a bunch of inept fools?

What is it exactly you want to duplicate? Gmail will simply allow you to enter a user name and password for sending via another mailserver.

Send through <yourdomain.tld> SMTP servers (recommended for professional domains – Learn more)
SMTP Server: <yourhostmx.tld>       Port: [587]
Username: <your username>
Password: <your password>
[ ] Always use a secure connection (SSL) when sending mail

Postfix isn't involved in anyway here.

What are you, Ghouls? There are no dead students here. This week.

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