Serge, I mean I'm an open relay to my servers, becasue any user from
any server can send mail putting any sender..I'm looking a way to
block that...


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Serge Fonville<> wrote:
> Well,
> To determine you are an opne relay, there are a couple of things you can do
> Google for open relay check
> From a remote site send an email from another domain to another domain
> through your mail server
> Check your settings agains the manual
> Regards,
> Serge Fonville
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Israel Garcia<> wrote:
>> My scenario:
>> I have a lot of postfix servers, each one, use to sent mail directly
>> to internet, so It's difficult to monitor them.
>> What I want?
>> Put all postfix's of my servers to send all their external mail  to an
>> smarthost server in my network.  I mean, the smarthost must receive
>> ONLY mail from my servers and relay them mail to internet. Remember I
>> have a lot of different servers and domains so I don't know how to
>> configure this smarthost becasuse in some way it's becoming an open
>> relay.
>> My question:
>> How can I setup a secure smarthost to my network that receive mail
>> ONLY from my servers and  relay all mail directly to Internet? Include
>> some configuration if possible.
>> regards,
>> Israel.

Israel Garcia

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