Hi everyone:

I'm using postfix as MTA in a lot of servers. I usually use aliases to
forward messages from one account to another, or use BCC
(sender_bcc_maps and recipient_bcc_maps) to copy messages to other

A couple of customers asked me to configure the system to save only a
copy of external sent/received messages to an account. Our MTA
receives mail for domain1.com, domain2.com and domain3.com but he
needs to save a BCC of every sent/received mail except those between
these domains internally.
I was thinking something like this:

Sender                     Recipient                  Action
u...@domain1.com  u...@domain2.com   (none, don't BCC)
u...@domain3.com  u...@somemail.com  (BCC to ad...@domain3.com)
u...@somemail.com u...@domain1.com   (BCC to ad...@domain1.com)
u...@domain3.com   u...@domain2.com   (none, don't BCC)

I would want to achive this at MTA level, I mean using Postfix. Is it
possible? I was searching something similar that really works but I
had no luck.


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