"receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks" is an often
recommended amavis optimization that can be performed post content
filter (so likely would *not be in your main.cf* and would instead be in
your master.cf as an option to your post content filter smtpd).
What this option states is to not perform recipient checking in postfix
when amavis is finished with the message and hands it back to postfix.
This can safely be performed because postfix has presumably
validated the recipient before it accepted the message and gave it to
amavis. This is only safe if you are sure that the downstream smtpd is
only receiving messages from amavis - usually done by accepting only
messages from localhost (or the IP of your amavis scanning host).
How this has any connection to your apparently remapped/aliased address
is beyond me unless you have other options specified in your
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: postfix and amavisd-new on CentOS
From: Dave <dave.meh...@gmail.com>
To: 'postfix users list' <postfix-users@postfix.org>
Date: Thursday, August 06, 2009 8:47:59 PM
Thanks for your reply. I have solved the problem. I commented out
receive_override_options in main.cf and that did it.