On Donnerstag 23 Juli 2009 Benny Pedersen wrote:
> > Just why is there not a simple sieve implementation that rewrites
> > mails going to x...@y.z to x+mymail...@y.z and re-calls postfix again.
> this can be done with postfix header test imho, and dovecot can use +
> addresing

You miss the point: I need *sieve* to decide to which folder a mail 
should be sent, but instead of actual delivery, it should rewrite the 
recipient envelope to x+mymail...@y.z, and return that to postfix. This 
way, one could integrate sieve into every mailserver capable of + 

> > That would be a simple postfix -> sieve -> postfix setup, and then
> > you can deliver to any mailserver capable of the "+" mailbox
> > addressing?
> if it was simple then this maillist wont exists

5 years ago I maybe would have believed it's complicated. It looks very 
easy now, thanks to the various lists I'm in. You can learn a lot from 
reading here, and that's good for everybody. 

(But still, I can't use sieve as I want ;-)

mfg zmi
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